Continuous Surrender to the Divine Ebb & Flow of Life

This week in a psychic and mediumship development class with a mentor, we practiced being channels for messages for the greater good using a few different methods and then tying everything together in one succinct message for the collective. This is the message that I have to share with you all:

We are each a drop of water in an expansive and infinite ocean. What we choose to do in this life creates a ripple effect outward across all dimensions and timelines. This is not meant to add heaviness, but to inspire and empower you to make it count!

The choices we make, the paths we weave and the gifts we offer the world make up the collective waterfall that pours into the fast-flowing river of life. We have the choice and ability to tap into our finer and subtler senses, like our intuition, to guide us toward our contribution to this river for the highest and best of all. You could consider this your “purpose.”

Spirit speaks to us through our senses, our intuition, signs and synchronicities to help us move and flow in life in the most impactful way—if we allow it! If we do not—if we resist and attempt to control this flow—we will continue moving, but the journey will have more bumps and times where we feel stuck and stagnant. So surrender, listen, and let if flow.

Above it all, remember to enjoy the ride with gratitude.


Intuitive Design: How I Channelled A New Brand Identity Concept While Falling Asleep